Learn how a creative design agency can help you

Learn how a creative design agency can help you

A creative design agency offers a variety of services like marketing, advertising, branding, promotion, designing creative strategies and campaigns. Let’s look at some of the qualities of a creative design agency.

Fresh perspective

A creative agency can help by providing a much-needed outsider’s perspective. They can make your marketing strategy better by including fresh ideas so that you can achieve all your targets and goals. An outsider’s perspective is very important because often businesses become so immersed in their own brand that they can hardly look at what’s going downhill for them.

Expert execution

A creative design agency has a team of specialists who can design and execute your branding and marketing strategies. It consists of a team of designers, developers, copywriters, animators and data visualization experts who develop content day in and day out. They have experience and know how to improve the user’s experience. They have knowledge about the best practices in the industry, the kind of content that works best on a specific platform and they understand how a company can get high engagement.

Insider secrets and knowledge

As a company, you may know your brand inside out but you often know next to nothing about your competitors, the industry and the trends in the marketplace. A creative industry works with numerous clients across a range of industries which gives them a unique understanding of what works, what doesn’t work and the kind of things that can drastically change the outlook of your business and improve your profits. In short, with a creative design agency’s experience, you get to benefit from other business’s mistakes and successes.

Networks and connections

One of the main reasons any company seeks outside help is because it doesn’t have the bandwidth, knowledge and resources to execute the work. In addition to this, a creative design agency has a large and established network of creators and experts, from video producers who can help you film a live-action video to coders who can make an interactive website. If you’re looking for speciality services, a creative design agency either has the skills or the expert referral to do it.


A creative design agency is a quality machine that can produce quick, efficient and variety of content. With years of experience, they can finish projects within a stipulated period of time because they’re aware of the mistakes, common pitfalls and roadblocks that are likely to come in the way of their production, hence they’ve learnt to navigate better through it all.

Why do you need a unique brand identity for your business

Why do you need a unique brand identity for your business


A strong and unique brand identity is extremely important if you’re looking for a way to build your reputation from scratch. Unique brand identity projects your values, attracts your clients and most importantly makes your brand your business identity and your company’s most valuable asset. Let’s look at this in details

Your company looks established

When your prospects keep seeing your brand on social media and websites, they look at you as a company worthy of their money. A unique brand identity creates established looking company that radiates quality. Meaning, you can expect your audiences to pay more.

Builds a brand around your business

A unique brand identity means an identity that’s bigger than your personality. The purpose of branding isn’t for you to become a public figure but is to develop a name for the company which can only happen if you and your brand identity are two separate entities. A unique brand is devoid of any single person’s personality unless you want to keep it small.

Loyalty and trust

Your worth in the market place will never be established if you can’t portray your values to your customers. Without values, an emotional connection between your brand and your customers is impossible. To accomplish this task, you need a unique brand identity that builds a long term relationship and creates customer loyalty.

Shows that your brand is stable

Your company can be the oldest or the most experienced in your field of work and yet it can be ordinary. But with a unique brand identity, it can portray the image of a company that’s here to stay. A well-defined identity gives a sense of security to the people who see it on an everyday basis. You can do this by putting out clear messages and maintaining a sharp image.

People remember your business

Unique brand identity makes your business memorable. Using discount coupons, catchy taglines, offers, out of the box advertisements, all these items are very important to create a memorable experience for customers, so that even when they look at something similar like your product in a shop, they are immediately reminded of your brand.


Shows that you take pride in your brand

An owner who takes pride in his brand exudes commitment. It shows that he is committed to delivering on his promises because he is driven towards success. In today’s day and age customer loyalty and customer service is a must for a business to gain their audience’s trust.

How a presentation design agency makes life easy

How a presentation design agency makes life easy


Human beings are visual learners, they are all programmed to respond to imagery. This is the reason why eye-catching PowerPoint presentations design work wonders. A presentation design agency can help in a number of ways:

  • It allows you to present your ideas more effectively. 
  • Allows you to be remembered 
  • Gives your presentation a professional look.
  • Gives you a chance to feel confident presenting material you believe in. 
  • Convinces people to understand your way of thinking. 

Let’s read this in details: 

Elevating your message 

How you put forward your message to the audience is important and so are the visuals. Your brand is built on choice of colors, imagery, typography among a number of things. A presentation design agency keeps this in mind while designing your presentations. They use scientific reasoning to make slides memorable by considering attention spans and retention rates for different topics. 

Conveying your message 

A lot of people find it difficult to convey their ideas. A storm could be brewing up in their brains but what the audience sees is a mere drizzle. Presentations are particularly hard because it requires time and a certain amount of comfort with the software. A presentation design company has numerous tricks up their sleeves to make sure the presenter’s story shines with information that matters and zero clutter. 

Understanding your goals 

A presentation design agency knows that the purpose of a presentation is an outcome, where the end goal can be anything from closing a deal with the clients, getting new ones, more exposure to selling your products better, convincing your teammates of a new idea.

A creative design agency gets into your head to understand your business better. They ask you about how you want the audience to look at you after this presentation, what it that you want the audience to is do after this, what are the key takeaways etc. 


A presentation design agency helps you save a lot of money, time and resources. Making presentations on your own will make you the jack of all trades and the master of none. It’s important that you focus on your business while someone else works hard on the creative bit for you and delivers clear outcomes that engage your audience

How to design a compelling presentation

How to design a compelling presentation


A lot of us have sat through bad presentations and some of us have even given a few. There’s a bad presentation pattern- they’re really long, crammed full of text and without visuals. Even if there are visuals, they do nothing to support the presentation. Designing a compelling presentation is not as hard as it seems. Let’s see how you can make one

Use different page layouts to retain your audience’s interest

It often happens that with page after page of the same layout, your presentation becomes boring. Shuffle up the layout and get the audience interested. Use a combination of icons, text and images to add variation in your style. This style works for finance, information and statistics and research presentations.

Get started with presentation templates

It can be very challenging to build your own presentation from scratch which is why many creative design agencies like PitchWorx provide you with professional presentation templates to work with. You can implement all kinds of design principles on them so that they aren’t on the text-heavy side. The best part of the templates is that you can edit them easily and get a professional-looking presentation without any skill in the design field.

Use the 10/20/30 PowerPoint rule

This method was propagated by Guy Kawasaki of Apple and it has stuck because of its functionality. It says that an ideal PowerPoint presentation should have about 10 slides, should not be more than 20 minutes long and the font size should be no less than 30 points. This is a golden rule that will help you form the basis of all your presentations.

Your presentation should revolve around a central message

The audience can be easily overwhelmed with an abundance of data and text. A presentation isn’t supposed to tackle one complex idea after another. This is why it is important to identify a central message that you want to send to your audience and then design your presentation around it.

A strong presentation outline will keep you focused

Look at the presentation outline as a roadmap. With a strong outline, you’ll make sure you’ll check all the points you’re supposed to cover and not derail. Let’s see an example of a presentation outline made for investors.

  • The introductory statement.
  • Value proposition and vision
  • Monetary profit
  • Cash flow
  • Investors and their investment
  • Thank you and a round of questions

This is a basic presentation outline that will help the presenter know exactly what he has to say without spending too much time on one slide and stretching over the time limit.