How a branding agency helps

How a branding agency helps


A lot of companies don’t understand the need to hire a branding agency. There’s a wrong notion that the current internal marketing team can handle building a company’s brand or rebranding it for that matter. Marketing and branding are two very interdependent yet very distinct areas of expertise. Neither one is more valuable than the other but it is important to know the difference between the two so as to not be confused between them.

A branding agency asks the following questions-

  • Beyond making money, why are you in this business?
  • What are your core values?
  • Why do your customers buy from you? Who is the ideal customer?
  • Where does your brand stand in the market?
  • What is the brand essence?
  • How do you keep good on your brand promise?

If you’re struggling to answer any of the questions, a branding agency will answer them for you by further building on it. Let’s see what a branding agency can offer you

An unbiased and strategic perspective

Rebranding needs a strategic and a big picture approach and isn’t something that can be handled by an internal marketing t

eam. In the case of rebranding, it’s unrealistic to expect the internal marketing team to do an objective assessment of the brand they have helped to build or to survey the competitive landscape with an unbiased eye.

A branding agency has the ability to do a strong big picture analysis of the entire organization from an objective standpoint along with bringing the brand to life in the most dynamic way possible.

Cross-Industry Experience

Most branding agencies have been experts in the domain for quite some time. They offer the collective benefit of having worked in a variety of industries. Branding requires a company to have a broad perspective that isn’t just confined to the industry it operates in. Cross-industry experience allows for new ideas to be brought into your brand. This fresh perspective helps brands to meaningfully differentiate from the competition.

Proven and Unique understanding and expertise

Branding agencies provide the best strategy, research, and identity services. You won’t find this working with your internal marketing team or any digital marketing firm. Research is the most important thing when it comes to rebranding. Only a branding agency can identify the opportunities to allow you to position your brand in the best possible way in the competitive landscape for long term success.

Design expertise

The amount of design expertise that is needed to create a powerful corporate brand and identity is something that even a number of graphic designers are incapable of. When you get a branding agency in the board you also sign up for a design team that helps in the creation of a dynamic brand identity that is based on the values of strategy and research. The team usually has experience rebranding dozens of projects before coming to yours.


PitchWorx is a creative agency helping brands with compelling and persuasive graphic designs. With our experience in understanding the industry dynamics and the audience’s mindset, we unfold amazing creatives crafted with thoughtful messaging through compelling visuals. We listen, understand, visualize and design graphics that deliver your brand’s story.

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